I was Inspired to write this post because of robert's post about video games. One thing robert, Mario is not just generally for japan! But my post this time will be about video game systems and how they evolved over the years. PS: i enjoy writing about this topic so i might be a Little long.So sit back relax and enjoy this timeline starting at the first game boy and moving forward so enjoy!

Game boy: Play It Loud!In 1995 Nintendo released several Game Boy models with colored
cases, advertising them in the "Play It Loud!" campaign. Is basically the same as the original game boy all the specifications anyways. The Play It Loud's screens also have a darker border than the normal Game Boy and a replacement is hard to come by.(picture on the left)

Game Boy Pocket In 1996 Nintendo released the Game Boy Pocket: a smaller, lighter unit that requires fewer batteries. It has space for two AAA batteries, which provide about 10 hours of game play. The screen was changed to a true black-and-white display. (picture on right)

Game Boy Light This system was only released in Japan.It was the only handheld Nintendo produced with an integrated Backlight. Until the redesign of the Game boy Advance SP. (picture on left)
Game Boy Color First released in Japan on October 21, 1998, the Game Boy Color added a
color screen to a form factor slightly larger than the Game Boy Pocket. It also has double the processor speed, three times as much memory, and an infrared communications port. A major component of the Game Boy Color is its near-universal backward compatibility (that is, a Game Boy Color is able to read older Game Boy cartridges and even play them in a selectable color palette). This backwards compatibility became a major feature of the Game Boy line, since it allowed each new launch to begin with a significantly larger library than any of its competitors.
Game Boy Advance In Japan, on March 21, 2001, Nintendo released a significant upgrade to
the Game Boy line. The Game Boy Advance (also referred to as GBA) featured a 32 bit 16.8 MHz ARM. It included a Z80 processor and a switch activated by inserting a Game Boy or Game Boy Color game into the slot for backward compatibility, and had a larger, higher resolution screen. Controls were slightly modified with the addition of "L" and "R" shoulder buttons. A widely-criticized drawback of the Game Boy Advance is that the screen is not backlit, making viewing difficult in some conditions. The Game cartridges for the GBA are roughly half the length of original Game Boy cartridges, and so older Game cartridges would stick out of the top of the unit. When playing older games, the GBA provides the option to play the game at the standard equal square resolution of the original screen or the option to stretch it over the wider GBA screen.

Game Boy Advance In Japan, on March 21, 2001, Nintendo released a significant upgrade to

Game Boy Advance SP First released in Japan February 14, 2003, the Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Micro The third form of Game Boy Advance system, the Game Boy Micro is four

So there you have it the all game boys ever made my personal guide to them all which one will you get? Personally I would choose the game boy advanced Sp with the backlight. Model AGS-101. The advance Sp has a better colors resolution and the fold up clamshell design. But hey that’s just me. Why not micro you say? Well you can’t play the older games on it which is a drag. So pocket color or advanced refer to this guide if you are thinking about buying one. Thanks.
LaTeR dAyZ