Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Some Like em most hate them. But all in all you have to wear them. Personally i don't mind them. They are a daily part of our lives so here are a list of pros and cons to think about uniforms.

The pros are, that no one can be judged by their clothes or how they look and it also makes clothes choices a lot easier (not that I'm such a high fashion person). Also grass stains don't show up with all these darker colours.

Cons for some people are Not just the uniform themselves but how they have to wear them. Like just tucking their shirts in and having to wear their cardigan in chapel. Personally i don't think the uniforms are pretty good because i puts you in a routine and that helps to make you shave precious seconds of your time you need to get to school so i don't think anything about the uniforms need to be changed.

I commented on Hunters Blog

1 comment:

  1. Remy, you have a very casual opinion. I think the blog would have been better if you had a stronger opinion one way or the other.
